Understanding organizational culture and climate – There is a difference!

The culture of an organization sets the context for everything else and influences outcomes ranging from engagement and safety to adaptability and innovativeness. To properly redirect culture, consultants must be able to differentiate between it (i.e., espoused values and behavioral norms) and such outcomes, as well as the factors that may be shaping it.

Strategic Directioning is both a reflective process to examine current results, practices and operations, as well as proactive actions to design strategy to shape the future. We help leaders build on the organization’s strengths to create the culture and climate, the behavioral conditions and work capabilities to which it aspires. Identifying the gap between the current state and vision, allows organizations to then define goals, strategies and action to advance toward success.

Organization of Character: A step-by-step methodology to bring simplicity, understanding, and clarity to an organization.

“Communities of integrity, discipline and value created by the stewards of human capabilities, resources and trust.”

-Kathy Hagler
Organizations of Character™ is an approach to designing, improving, and contributing to an organization. Every organization exists for a purpose. That purpose meets some need of others. Companies and institutions decide how they organize themselves to do the work necessary to fulfill that purpose. When companies decide that they are not satisfied with the means, methods and measures that characterize their work, Strategic Directioning is an effective way to improve the key elements outlined below. Organizational Character’s aim is the monumental organizational discovery of where you are headed (vision), who you are (mission), how you behave (core values), what you do and how you act (goals and strategies) to reach the organization vision. It is a way for individuals to work together to create something of value. It creates an awareness of an organization’s culture, how the organization works as well as the ways in which it’s people think and interact

K2OHSolutions, LLC consultants are experts in:

  • Working with the Human Synergistics Assessments to measure your organization’s culture in terms of values and norms and interpreting the results;
  • Assisting you in developing business models, organizational structures, human resource management systems, redesigned jobs, and leadership and communication skills that lead to a more Constructive culture;
  • Managing the organizational development process in ways that maximize the acceptance of change and the effectiveness of implementation.

Business Model Canvas

Strategyzer® methods and other techniques can be used in a variety of ways to develop a portfolio of business models, provide a dashboard to measure performance, as a new idea template, to understand competition, to understand the customers, align value and infrastructure, and to model growth and innovation. Results are compiled and used to develop strategic plan components and strategies.

Value Proposition Canvas

As a subset of the Business Model Canvas, the Value Proposition Canvas, focuses first on understanding customer or stakeholder “job” needs. Whether internal or external customers, or the communities we operate within, it is essential that we “look out to look in”. A clear understanding of customer pains and gains allows innovative solutions to emerge within current and scalable organizational capacity levels.

Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture Circle

Understanding Organizational Culture and Climate – There is a difference!

The culture of an organization sets the context for everything else and influences outcomes raging from engagement and safety to adaptability and innovativeness. To properly redirect culture, consultants must be able to differentiate between it (i.e., espoused values and behavioral norms) and such outcomes, as well as the factors that may be shaping it. K2OHSolutions, LLC consultants are experts in:

  • Working with the Human Synergistics Assessments to measure your organization’s culture in terms of values and norms and interrupting the results.
  • Helping you understand the complexities of culture, leadership, and the connection to performance improvement in an accelerated environment with our Culture Journey Learning Experience.
  • Supporting you in defining and implementing a customized 90-day blueprint for success with our Culture Quick-Start Program or Education Quick-Start Program.
  • Discerning the impact of culture on outcomes at the individual, team and organizational levels and identifying the systems, structures, and other factors that are leading to and reinforcing Defensive norms.
  • Assisting you in developing business models, organizational structures, human resource management systems, redesigned jobs, and leadership and communication skills that lead to a more Constructive culture.
  • Managing the organizational development process in ways that maximize the acceptance of change and the effectiveness and implementation.

Board Support

  • Oversight and Direction Setting
  • Board Meetings and Relationships
  • Relationship with President/CEO
  • Stakeholder Relationships

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